PROSUL's objective is to improve the climate-smart livelihood of small-holder farmers in the Maputo and Limpopo corridors, comprising 19 selected districts in the provinces of Gaza, Inhambane and Maputo. The project is supporting farmers producing irrigated vegetables, cassava abd livestock to make these value chains resilient to the expected impacts of climate change in particular, increased rainfall variability and the risks of droughts and flooding.

PSP supports the Governmebt's National Programmer for Agricultural Extension (Pronea), operating in 42 districts throughout the country. The project works to help subsistence farmers, particularly woman-headed and disadvantaged households-attain increased returns and improved household food security through increased production efficiency. This increase is to be achieved through wider access to effective technical support services focused on districts...

PROPESCA builds on the experience of three artisanal fisheries projects implemented along the Mozambican coast. The goal of the project is to improve the incomes and the livelihoods of artisanal fishers and their communities. To this end, it works to boost fishing productivity and subsequent sales sustainably by increasing the quqntity and value of the catch and by improving all links in the value chain, up to the marketplace in 7 provinces on the coast...

The Project Goal is to contribute to rural household livelihood improvement. The specific Project Development Objective is to increase the availability of, access to, and use of adapted (appropriate, affordable, and innovative) inclusive sustainable financial services, and technical support services in rural areas. REFP is expected to impact on the household income and asset levels of at least 287,700 direct beneficiaries and influence the...

PROMER aims to enable small-scale farmers to invrease their incomes from agriculture by helping them market their surpluses more profitably. The programmer builds on emerging opporturnities for both domestic and export markets to improve the terms of trade for small-scale farmers. The support to traders and farmer organizations is implemented through market linkages and capacity building of various types along the entire value chain...

PROAQUA's goal is to improve livelihoods and food security of poor households theough the increased consumption and sales of fish by small scale fish farming households in Mussorize, Sussundenga and Gondola districts in Manica Province and Gorongoza district in Sofala Province. The project supports the development of fish farming groups and the promotion of savings and credit groups, whilst providing technical support for aquaculture...